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DomovIzdelkiOlja za zobnikeAllround Gear Oil TDL 75W-90 UNI

Allround Gear Oil TDL 75W-90 UNI

Allround Gear Oil TDL 75W-90 UNI 1L
Allround Gear Oil TDL 75W-90 UNI 1L

Allround Gear Oil TDL 75W-90 UNI

  • effective for wear reduction
  • meets the requirements of modern commercial vehicles
  • effective at low temperatures

Vodnik za olje

V nekaj preprostih korakih vam bomo pomagali ugotoviti, ali ta izdelek ustreza vašemu vozilu

          BIZOL Allround Gear Oil TDL 75W-90 is a fully synthetic, multi-grade gear oil for universal use. It meets almost all requirements of modern commercial vehicles regarding special lubrication for the entire drive line. TDL gear oil is perfectly suitable for lubricating all components of the drive line, from the sophisticated synchronized and non-synchronized manual gears to hypoid axle gears. Due to its characteristics as a high-performance allround product, it significantly contributes to the streamlining process in modern vehicle fleets. The reduction of friction due to optimum viscosity helps to save fuel.
          BIZOL Allround Gear Oil TDL 75W-90 is a fully synthetic, multi-grade gear oil for universal use. It meets almost all requirements of modern commercial vehicles regarding special lubrication for the entire drive line. TDL gear oil is perfectly suitable for lubricating all components of the drive line, from the sophisticated synchronized and non-synchronized manual gears to hypoid axle gears. Due to its characteristics as a high-performance allround product, it significantly contributes to the streamlining process in modern vehicle fleets. The reduction of friction due to optimum viscosity helps to save fuel.

          DTFR 12B100 | DTFR 13B100 | VW G 052 145 | MAN M 341 Z2 | MAN M 342 M2 | BMW P/N 83 22 9 407 768 | Ford 1 347 488 | GM 93165290 | Opel 19 40 182 | Vauxhall 93165290 | ZF TE-ML 05A | ZF TE-ML 07A | ZF TE-ML 12E | ZF TE-ML 16B | ZF TE-ML 16C | ZF TE-ML 17B | ZF TE-ML 19B | API GL 5 | API GL 4 | MIL L-2105 D

          Člen št.Velikost
          882201 L
          8822220 L
          8822360 L
          88224208 L


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