Vodnik za olje

Mono SAE 50

Mono SAE 50

Vodnik za olje

V nekaj preprostih korakih vam bomo pomagali ugotoviti, ali ta izdelek ustreza vašemu vozilu

          BIZOL Mono SAE 50 is an all-purpose high-alloyed HD-Monograde engine oil for Otto, Diesel and stationary engines. Mineral base oils with protective additives ensure effective wear and corrosion protection as well as very good lubrication performance at high and low temperatures.
          BIZOL Mono SAE 50 is an all-purpose high-alloyed HD-Monograde engine oil for Otto, Diesel and stationary engines. Mineral base oils with protective additives ensure effective wear and corrosion protection as well as very good lubrication performance at high and low temperatures.

          API SJ | API CF-4


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          Naša prodajna ekipa vas bo z veseljem podprla

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