Universal+ u40

Universal+ u40 400ml
Universal+ u40 400ml

Universal+ u40

  • lubricates and protects

  • dissolves deposits, displaces humidity

  • effective against rust and corrosion

          BIZOL Universal+ u40 lubricates, protects and cleans metal and plastic parts. It has good penetrating and cleaning properties. It is damp-resistant and rust preventive; it removes oil, grease, wax and tar and leaves a protective film. It comes with a Cobra jet spray head for improved application accuracy.

          BIZOL Universal+ u40 lubricates, protects and cleans metal and plastic parts. It has good penetrating and cleaning properties. It is damp-resistant and rust preventive; it removes oil, grease, wax and tar and leaves a protective film. It comes with a Cobra jet spray head for improved application accuracy.

          Spray on battery poles, screws, bolts, nuts, nails, antennas, electrical connections, plastic and metal parts.

          80007400 mlDE / EN / FR / ES / ZN / AR
          90007400 mlEN / GR / PL / RO / RU

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