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Fuel Additives

Can fuel additives contribute to clean fuel system, restored engine performance and reduced fuel consumption?
Fuel Additives

Why the deposits build-up are harmful for the fuel system?

Daily use and consequential wear, leads to the build-up of deposits such as carbon and gum in the fuel system and engine over time. Once residues start to build up, performance starts to suffer and fuel consumption increases, due to the combustion process being affected.


Deposits also restrict the supply of fuel and negatively affect the injector spray pattern, just like a shower head when the jets are blocked by limescale. The fuel injectors get clogged by fine deposits limiting the flow of fuel.


Problems caused by a build-up of deposits include

Effective solution to a build-up of deposits

Clean the fuel system components using a tin of BIZOL Gasoline System Clean+ g80 or BIZOL Diesel System Clean+ d60 for diesels.


The fuel additives provide following benefits:

Gasoline System Clean+ g80 300ml


  • cleans injectors efficiently  

  • removes carbon deposits from intake valves and combustion chamber 

  • increases the octane number and performance of engine

  • reduces fuel consumption and lowers emissions  

  • extends the life of the fuel system

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Diesel System Clean+ d60 1L


  • cleans injectors efficiently  

  • removes carbon deposits from intake valves and combustion chamber 

  • increases the performance of engine 

  • reduces fuel consumption and lowers emissions  

  • extends the life of the fuel system

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In order to support our claims we took 3 product tests:


We are confident that our products are effective and can deliver results and benefits to our customers.


1. Can a function of the injector be restored?
2. Would it be possible to clean even a strong coking on the top and bottom of the intake valve?
3. Can you increase engine power at a low cost?

1. Can a function of the injector be restored?

We tested a clogged mechanical injector with an inaccurate spray pattern to the use of the additive on the petrol car with a mileage of 150.000km. After the application the correct flow rate and spray pattern were achieved.


Before the application

1. Can a function of the injector be restored?
1. Can a function of the injector be restored?
Cleaned injector
  • Accurate spray pattern

  • No drop formation

  • Correct flow rate

Perfect spray pattern

After the application

After the application
After the application
Injector with deposits

+ Inaccurate spray pattern

+ Drop formation

+ Reduced flow rate

Inaccurate spray pattern

2. Would it be possible to clean even a strong coking on the top and bottom of the intake valve?

The test was taken on the petrol car with a mileage of 200.000km. Through the consecutive applications of the additives the results were achieved.


Before the application

2. Would it be possible to clean even a strong coking on the top and bottom of the intake valve?
2. Would it be possible to clean even a strong coking on the top and bottom of the intake valve?
Look from the top before
  • Strong cocking on the top and bottom of the intake valve



Look from the bottom before

After the application

After the application
After the application
Look from the top after
Look from the bottom after

3. Can you increase engine power at a low cost?

Can a simple additive make a difference? We decided to put our BIZOL Gasoline System Clean+ g80 to the test. Did it work?


Find out in our Blog!

3. Can you increase engine power at a low cost?
Gasoline System Clean+ g80 300ml


  • cleans injectors efficiently  

  • removes carbon deposits from intake valves and combustion chamber 

  • increases the octane number and performance of engine

  • reduces fuel consumption and lowers emissions  

  • extends the life of the fuel system

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Diesel System Clean+ d60 1L


  • cleans injectors efficiently  

  • removes carbon deposits from intake valves and combustion chamber 

  • increases the performance of engine 

  • reduces fuel consumption and lowers emissions  

  • extends the life of the fuel system

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Use BIZOL Gasoline System Clean+ g80 or BIZOL Diesel System Clean+ d60 to avoid the component replacement, which often causes far higher costs.